Saturday, July 8, 2000
Today wasn't quite as busy as the first "Event" was the Award Ceremony at noon, but we still took the 8.30am bus in so we could make a few purchases from the dealers. Many dealers had sold out of the more popular items and reported tremendous sales. Even Charles Gauci, who's stock arrived late thanks to lost luggage, sold out of many items.
We also managed to sneak in a quick look at Topas lecturing. He's only 27 but he speaks with a wealth of great experience about how to really perform magic. Very inspirational.
Now we moved into the Theatre again for the Award Ceremony, and the winners were...
1- Kenji Minemura - Japan
2- Norbert Ferré - France
3- Eduardo - Brazil
Comedy Magic
1 - Not Awarded
2 - Zauderer - Germany
3 - The Maestro - USA
General Magic
1- Mask - France
2 - Yumi - Japan
3 (tie) - George Saterial - USA
3 (tie) - Roxanne - Germany
1- der "Hexer" - Germany
2 - Yunke - Spain
3 - Zauberteam Flick-Flack - Germany
Mental Magic
1 - Not Awarded
2 - Luis Boyano & Isabella - Spain
3 - Nicola Friedrich - Germany
Card Magic
1 - Henry Evans - Argentina
2 - Mago Migue - Spain
3 - (tie) Gregory Wilson - USA
3 - (tie) Thomas Fraps & Gaston - Germany
1 - Simo Aalto - Finland
2 - Manuel Muerte - Germany
3 - Gery - Austria
1 - Michael Ross - France
2 - Ariston - Argentina
3 - Kalle Hakkarainen - Finland
Grand Prix
Scott the Magician & Miss Muriel - Nederlands

After the awards it was announced that the next FISM would be in Den Haag in 2003 and many people (including us) rushed the booth to sign up and register.
A leisurely boat trip took us to the site of Expo '98 where we had a few hours to explore this amazing place before lining up for the Gala Dinner and Show...
The less said here the better! 2100 people, one skinny entrance, and everyone racing inside (dressed to the nines!) to try and get a seat. There weren't enough chairs, tables, or food to go around and Luis de Matos apologised from the stage telling us that more people turned up than were expected...? Now you couldn't get in without a ticket... so how did that happen? Many people left before the show, which was truly terrible. Outdoors, on a huge rock stage, many of the winners couldn't perform. We watch the Close up and Cards winners perform on the stage via a giant Jumbotron screen. We watched an appalling comedy act from Sweden, Topper Martyn sang a song then got off, Richard McDougall presented his cigarette act... why these acts for THIS venue? We even had a videotape of David Copperfield which we couldn't hear because of bad sound, then we crossed live via phone to David, and couldn't really hear him then either. Max Maven did his best to compere the show, and David Williamson added humour throughout it... but it really ended what was a good FISM on a bad note.
The show ended with a spectacular fireworks display (which set off car alarms) as people walked out trying to find the buses.
Article © Magic Unlimited 2000
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